Last updated: January 4, 2024
Transportation Challenges wayside

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Service Station
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Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits
In 1947 Bryce Canyon welcomed 163,000 visitors, most travelling by personal automobile. In 2018 the number of visitors exceeded 2.6 million. Park staff is continually developing creative solutions to address increasing visitation and protect this unique landscape for future generations, while making it available for all to safely experience and enjoy.
To address these challenges, the park began offering a free shuttle service in 2000. Sixteen years later, the Shared Use Path offered a new option for cyclists, pedestrians, and even cross-country skiers. Debates continue around the need for new parking lots, roads, trails, and the impact these would have on the natural environment. How do you think the park should adapt to its popularity? How might people visit Bryce Canyon in the future?
To address these challenges, the park began offering a free shuttle service in 2000. Sixteen years later, the Shared Use Path offered a new option for cyclists, pedestrians, and even cross-country skiers. Debates continue around the need for new parking lots, roads, trails, and the impact these would have on the natural environment. How do you think the park should adapt to its popularity? How might people visit Bryce Canyon in the future?