

Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park

Photo of the Temple sculpture
Temple at Saint-Gaudens

NPS Photo

Quick Facts
Cornish, NH
Interment site of internationally renowned artist, sculptor, teacher, and leader in American culture, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, and his family.
National Park, National Register of Historic Places, National Landmark

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

In 1905, members of the Cornish Art Colony honored the Saint-Gaudens family with a classically styled pageant on this site. Members of the influential group of artists, writers, and otherwise creative Americans who spent time in Cornish donned elaborate costumes inspired by Greek and Roman mythology. The informal group celebrated the twentieth anniversary of Augustus and Augusta Saint-Gaudens’ arrival in Cornish and their important role in the community.

After Augustus Saint-Gaudens died in 1907, Augusta remembered this moving tribute and had a section of the pageant’s original scenery recreated in marble. This elegant structure honored the renowned sculptor in life and in death. The Temple is the final resting place of Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Augusta Saint-Gaudens (1848-1926), and other family members.

Last updated: October 10, 2024