Last updated: January 26, 2023
Swanson's Swales

Quick Facts
¾ mile north of the corner of Plum Ave. (31st Rd.) & P Ave., South of Windom, KS
Site where wagon masters would begin or end using double and triple teams of oxen and mules
Privately owned
Swanson’s Swales are located in a pasture in Section 13, 20S, R2W, Rice County Kansas. These swales are an exceptional set, lined up 8 or 9 wide, and are very deep. This is the area where wagon masters would use double and triple teams of oxen and mules for the trip across the ford of the Little Arkansas. The trail widened at this point, creating space for the bigger teams.
Site Information
Location (¾ mile north of the corner of Plum Ave. (31st Rd.) & P Ave., South of Windom, KS)