
Sun Point Pueblo

Mesa Verde National Park

A kiva structure dug down into the earth with a fire pit and tunnel features.
A Mesa Verde style Kiva constructed at the center of Sun Point Pueblo.

Quick Facts

Accessible Sites, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Parking - Auto, Parking - Bus/RV, Wheelchair Accessible

This was one of the last mesa-top pueblos to be built at Mesa Verde: a 30-room village with a large kiva and tower connected by a tunnel at its center.

The site lacks the building materials, such as wooden roof beams, by which archeologists usually date occupation. Perhaps the missing materials were recycled to construct nearby cliff dwellings.

Pottery types found here lead archeologists to estimate that this village was occupied for only ten years. A decade may seem like a short time to invest in a home, but did you know that the average American today moves more than ten times in their lifetime? What prompted your last move?

Last updated: October 10, 2024