
Snowmobiling at Pictured Rocks

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore

Group of snowmobilers coming down the road

Quick Facts
Within the park, almost all snowmobile routes are on unplowed roads used by regular vehicles in the summer.

Since almost all the park roads are unplowed in winter, snowmobiling is the main way to travel through the national lakeshore during snow season. A number of unplowed roads lead to major points of interest within the park, particularly Miners Castle and Log Slide.

Snowmobiles are permitted on unplowed park roads used by motorists in summer, as well as the frozen waters of Lake Superior and Grand Sable Lake.

These unplowed roads (and the shoulders of plowed park roads) are open to snowmobiling in conformance with state law. Snowmobiles are prohibited from cross-country travel, off-road travel, or traveling on almost every park trail. In other words: with the exception of the one trail and water areas listed below, snowmobiles are only permitted on park roads where motor vehicles are allowed in summer.

View and download the Winter Road Closure Map (pdf) 


Designated Snowmobile Routes

  • Down Miners Castle Road from Alger County Road H-58 to the roads and parking areas for Miners Falls, Miners Castle, and Miners Beach.

  • Down Chapel Road from H-58 to the Chapel/Mosquito trailhead parking area.

  • Down Little Beaver Lake Road from H-58 to the day-use parking area.

  • Road from H-58 to the Twelvemile Beach day-use parking area.

  • Road from H-58 to the Hurricane River day-use parking area.

  • Road from H-58 to the Log Slide parking area.

  • Road from H-58 to the Sable Falls parking area.

  • The frozen surfaces of Lake Superior and Grand Sable Lake.

  • Trail from the park boundary off E. City Limits Road southwest to the Becker Farm and down to Sand Point Road.

Last updated: December 13, 2022