
Smooth Sumac

Pipestone National Monument

Field of red sumac leaves, trees in the distance, blue sky overhead
In late August through September, the sumac leaves turn a brilliant red.

J. Borden

Quick Facts
North side of the trail between Lake Hiawatha and the waterfall.
Beautiful, bright red leaves in late summer/early fall. The leaves are sometimes used in pipes and the branches are sometimes used for pipe stems.

Audio Description, Scenic View/Photo Spot, Wheelchair Accessible

The smooth sumac leaves turn a brilliant red in the fall. Some Tribes use the dried, red leaves in their pipes and, if branches large and straight enough, they can be used for pipe stems. This native species can tend to crowd out other plants, so it is cut back every year. Park staff also conduct controlled burns annually in alternating sections of the site to encourage native plant diversity and prairie health.

Last updated: October 5, 2020