
Skookum Volcano

Wrangell - St Elias National Park & Preserve

Skookum Volcano
Skookum Volcano


Quick Facts
Nabesna Road
Volcano and Trail
National Park and Preserve

Information Kiosk/Bulletin Board, Parking - Auto, Scenic View/Photo Spot, Trailhead

Mile 36.2 Nabesna Road. Skookum Volcano Trail is 2.5 miles one-way to a beautiful high pass.The trail leads through an extinct, deeply eroded volcanic system with fascinating geology. The elevation at the trailhead is 3,000' and rises to an elevation of 4,800' at the pass. Hikers can explore other routes or expand this hike into a multiple-day trip.

At this area along Nabesna Road, the jagged peaks south of the road are dominated by volcanic rocks ejected from the Skookum Creek Volcano. Volcanic Ash and hot gasses formed a fiery cloud which flowed down the flanks of the volcano to produce the tan and light gray rocks. Lava which issued from several volcanic vents flowed downslope and solidified to produce the more massive pinkish-tan and rust colored rocks. Radioactive dating of these rocks by USGS investigators shows that Skookum Creek Volcano was active between two and four million years ago. Deep canyons and steep slopes show that erosion has been very effective in wearing down the land during the last two million years.

Latitude: 62.51268869904652 Longitude: -143.23236345229557

Last updated: February 24, 2021