Last updated: April 1, 2021
Site of Fort Henry

National Park Service
Quick Facts
Fort Henry Road
Site of 1862 Campaign for Forts Henry and Donelson
1 listed
Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits
Fort Henry, located on the Tennessee River, was the site of the first battle between Union ironclads and Confederate land batteries in February 1862. The remains of this historic site are located on public lands managed by the USDA Land Between the Lakes NRA. On-site Visitor Center is not available.
Maps and hiking trails information are available at the South Welcome Station or the USFS Land Between the Lakes NRA website. You will drive past this area on Hwy 79 South as you travel to the Fort Heiman Site.
A second Fort Henry historical marker is located on Highway 79. You may see this as you drive toward Fort Heiman.
Maps and hiking trails information are available at the South Welcome Station or the USFS Land Between the Lakes NRA website. You will drive past this area on Hwy 79 South as you travel to the Fort Heiman Site.
A second Fort Henry historical marker is located on Highway 79. You may see this as you drive toward Fort Heiman.