
Sioux Quartzite Cliffs

Pipestone National Monument

Large wall of pink rock to the right and green prairie plants to the left.
The Sioux Quartzite cliffs are one of the more striking natural features of the site.

J. Borden

Quick Facts
Runs north-south between the two main sides of the trail.
Beautiful example Sioux Quartzite outcroppings.

Wheelchair Accessible

The rock wall along the trail is Sioux Quartzite, which overlies the pipestone. Since the rock layers slope 8° downward from the Visitor Center to these cliffs, the pipestone layer would be ~100 feet underground at this point. Sioux Quartzite outcroppings are found throughout this region of Minnesota and South Dakota. It’s a strong material often used in construction, unlike pipestone, which is much too soft for infrastructure. 

Last updated: September 27, 2020