Last updated: December 20, 2024
Saanaheit Pole and House Posts

Photo Credit: Cinnamon Dockham
Information Kiosk/Bulletin Board, Parking - Auto, Parking - Bus/RV, Public Transit, Trailhead, Trash/Litter Receptacles, Wheelchair Accessible
Before you stands the 55 foot tall Saanaheit pole and the Saanaheit house posts. The original pole and house posts were from the Kaigani Haida village of Old Kasaan on Prince of Wales Island and was provided by Chief Saanaheit to Gov. John Brady in 1901 as a memorial to his people. By the late 1930s the original pole had seriously deteriorated, it was at this point over 100 years old, and we hadn’t yet developed the preservation techniques we have today. Today only a fragment of the original pole remains.
When the second generation of this pole was carved by George Benson and Peter Jones of the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1940s, the crew had to fit the design onto 2 logs pieced together.The house posts were recarved in 1981-1982 by Reggie Petersen. Then again in 2002 by Tommy Joseph (Naal’xák’w) which you see now. Although several figures are identifiable, such as a bear on the bottom, raven in the upper middle portion and two traditional village watchmen at the top, many other figures are not. Little information about the story of this intricately carved giant has survived.
The house posts each display a single figure, with a large face at the top, red arms crossed over the body, and two smaller faces between the figure's red legs. The bottom face is upside down. Designs on the house posts are said to be from a legend in which Raven obtains the sun, moon and stars for the people of the earth.
Be sure to visit Totem Hall inside the visitor center to see the remaining Raven's Head fragment of the original pole, and the original and recarved House Posts.