
Rock Harbor Lighthouse

Isle Royale National Park

a view of the Rock Harbor Lighthouse from the waters of Middle Islands Passage on a bright blue day
Lighthouse standing on the edge of the Saginaw Peninsula, protecting the Middle Islands Passage.


Quick Facts
Rock Harbor
National Register of Historic Places

Benches/Seating, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Scenic View/Photo Spot, Tactile Exhibit

Although no longer illuminated, the Rock Harbor Light at the southwest entrance to Rock Harbor is the most viewed and visited lighthouse. Completed in 1855, it features a 50-foot white round brick tower with a black lantern. The tower is attached to a keep's house that now serves as a museum. A Fourth Order Fresnel Lens once sent out a beacon of light for 15 miles across the lake. In 1859, as copper mining declined, the Rock Harbor Light was shut down, but the light was rekindled in 1874 when copper mining resurged. In 1879, it was permanently closed, but remains a popular tour stop for visitors today.

Learn about the history of the Rock Harbor Lighthouse.

Explore the History & Culture of Isle Royale National Park.

Last updated: February 12, 2022