
Pueblo del Arroyo

Chaco Culture National Historical Park

Remnants of the walls of a tri-wall kiva in front of an arroyo with high water level.
An unusual feature is the tri-wall kiva. Only ten tri-wall kivas have been found in the Southwest.


The great house of Pueblo del Arroyo was planned and constructed in two short phases, from approximately 1065 to 1150 CE. Though smaller than earlier great houses, the structure has many typical great house attributes. But unlike other great houses in the canyon, it was built away from cliff walls, in the open near the arroyo. Another unusual feature is the tri-wall kiva. Only ten tri-wall kivas have been found in the Southwest – three of those are at Aztec Ruins National Monument. The one found at Pueblo del Arroyo is the only one in Chaco Canyon.

Located 5 1/2 miles from the Visitor Center on the 9-mile Canyon Loop Drive. The trail through Pueblo del Arroyo is 1/4 mile, roundtrip. It is graveled, and climbs several short, steep rises. Assistance is recommended for persons using wheelchairs.
Pueblo del Arroyo
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Pueblo del Arroyo

5 Images

Photos of Pueblo del Arroyo at Chaco Culture National Historical Park.

Last updated: April 5, 2024