
Old Bakery (1876) and New Bakery Ruins (1883)

California National Historic Trail, Fort Laramie National Historic Site, Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail, Oregon National Historic Trail, Pony Express National Historic Trail

Image of lime rout brick building with two chimneys and five small floor level windows.
Old Bakery (1876) and ruins of the new bakery (1883)


Quick Facts
Fort Laramie, WY

Audio Description, Fire Extinguisher, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

Built in 1876 and 1883, the Bakery was one of the most important buildings when it come to supplying soldiers with bread. Over 700 loaves of bread could be baked each day. Soldiers were allowed 18oz of flour for bread in their daily ration. Compared to hardtack, the fresh baked bread was a pleasant alternative. While all that remains of the New Bakery is walls, the Old Bakery is refurbished to the late 1870s. The Old Bakery housed 2 ovens of which one remains. Each oven could produce as many as 500 rations of bread per baking. Soldiers detailed to work the bakery would serve a 10 day shift and were given an extra 20 cents per day bonus. Soldiers assigned this detail would live inside the bakery for the duration of the shift. 

Last updated: March 14, 2025