
ODNR State Parks

Hopewell Culture National Historical Park

A photo of a lake and shoreline, trees with yellow colored leaves, trees with green and yellow leave
Paint Creek State Park photos

Ohio Department of Natural Resources

Quick Facts
Various locations in Ohio
State of Ohio

Accessible Sites, Beach/Water Access, Boat Ramp, Canoe/Kayak/Small Boat Launch, Dock/Pier, Entrance Passes For Sale, Fire Pit, Firewood For Sale/Available, Gifts/Souvenirs/Books, Information, Information Kiosk/Bulletin Board, Parking - Auto, Parking - Boat Trailer, Parking - Bus/RV, Picnic Shelter/Pavilion, Picnic Table, Restroom, Restroom - Accessible, Scenic View/Photo Spot, Sewage Dump Station - Boat/RV, Sewer Hookups - Boat/RV, Showers, Supplies - Camping/Outdoor, Toilet - Flush, Toilet - Vault/Composting, Trash/Litter Receptacles, Water - Drinking/Potable, Water - Hookup - Boat/RV, Water - Non-Potable

Hopewell Culture NHP offers this suggested nearby attraction as an option to supplement your visit to the park and for informational purposes only. This nearby attraction is operated by a non-NPS entity. Therefore, park staff have no information regarding the daily operations or amenities it provides. Please read through this content and contact the attraction directly for complete information.

The state of Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) operates state campgrounds and state parks throughout Ohio. While Hopewell Culture National Historical Park does not offer any sort of camping or recreation, the state of Ohio operates several facilities near the park's sites that does offer those amenities.

Visit the ODNR State Parks website to find nearby campgrounds and parks to supplement your next visit to Hopewell Culture National Historical Park.

Last updated: June 3, 2021