
Nuttallburg Historic Site

New River Gorge National Park & Preserve

old coal tipple with railroad tracks underneath
The coal tipple at Nuttallburg

NPS photo/Louise McLaughlin

Quick Facts

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Parking - Auto, Toilet - Vault/Composting, Trailhead

Nuttallburg was one of almost fifty towns that sprang up along the New River in response to a growing nation's need for coal.

In 1870, England-born entrepreneur John Nuttall saw opportunity in the coal rich New River gorge and began buying land and building infrastructure along the Keeneys Creek drainage. When the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway was completed through the gorge in 1873, the town was ready for its arrival. Nuttallburg became the second mining town in the New River gorge to ship the "smokeless" coal, processed from a mineral seam hundreds of feet above the river corridor and shipped to industrial cities hundreds of miles away.

Nuttallburg was a bustling mining community by the turn of the century, continuing to thrive after Nuttall's death in 1897 under the direction of his heirs. The town became the focus of national attention in the 1920's when, in an effort known as "vertical integration" to gain control of all aspects of production, automobile industrialist Henry Ford leased the town's mines to provide coal for his company steel mills. The Fordson Coal Company made many improvements to the mine and town during the eight year tenure, but Ford's plan for "vertical integration" failed when it became evident he could neither control, nor afford to buy, the railroad that was responsible for transportation of the coal his mines produced. He sold interests in the Nuttallburg mines in 1928.

The mines of Nuttallburg passed through three owners after Henry Ford, with production limited to primarily local use in later years as the market for New River coal declined. Production ceased in 1958 and Nuttallburg became like so many other riverside communities that rose and fell due to changes in the industry. A collection of empty buildings and structure-less foundations, concealed beneath trees and vines, is all that remains.

Nuttallburg Today 

In 1998 the Nuttall family transferred ownership of Nuttallburg to the National Park Service. The site was inventoried, documented, and in 2005, listed on the National Register of Historic Places. In 2011 the National Park Service completed a multi-year project that involved clearing vegetation and stabilizing structures. Today it is considered one of the most intact examples of a coal mining complex in West Virginia and one of the most complete coal related industrial sites in the United States.

Visiting Nuttallburg

Use caution when driving to Nuttallburg. The road to Nuttallburg (Kenneys Creek Road) is narrow, winding, and steep. Some places are paved while some places are gravel. Much of the road is one lane, meaning that drivers will need to pull off the side of the road to allow for passing vehicles. Large vehicles and trailers are not advisable.

From Canyon Rim Visitor Center, go north on US 19 0.3 miles to the next intersection, and turn right onto Lansing-Edmond Road (County Route 5/82). Follow Lansing-Edmond Road (becomes CR 82) 6.0 miles to Winona. Turn right onto Keeneys Creek Road (CR 85/2), continue past the houses (do not cross the creek) and the road turns to gravel. Travel 4.1 miles to the main Nuttallburg parking area and restroom. Parking for disabled visitors is located an additional 0.1 miles beyond the main parking area, closer to the tipple.Winona can also be reached from the Canyon Rim Visitor Center by traveling north on US 19 to Hico 5.0 miles. Go east on US 60 (Midland Trail) 4.4 miles to Lookout, turn right onto Lansing-Edmond Road (CR 82) and go 2.1 miles to Winona, then follow the directions above for Keeneys Creek Road (CR 85/2).

Last updated: August 10, 2022