Last updated: September 22, 2023
Norden Chute

NPS Photo
Quick Facts
Niobrara Valley Preserve, Norden, NE
Hydrologic Feature of the Niobrara River
River Rapid, Class IV, Portage Required
3 listed
Information Kiosk/Bulletin Board, Parking - Auto, Restroom - Seasonal
Norden Chute provides a sense of just how powerful the Niobrara River can be. When flow is high, the chute can be flooded in water so high that even the stone ledges on each side are covered. We love the view in years when the walls can be seen and sometimes even walked out on.
The Norden Chute is protected by both the National Parks Service and the Nature Conservancy organization that protect the Niobrara Valley Preserve on the South side of the river at this location.
Our recommendations for a great visit to Norden Chute are to take time to use five sense to experience this powerful river feature. What do you see, smell, taste, feel, hear?
The Norden Chute looks like a waterfall in the middle of the Niobrara river, but is more accurately known as a "hydraulic feature." Meaning that the force of the water falling over the ledge causes erosion when it "lands," and a plunge pool that is deeper than the rest of the streambed is formed. The water falling into the plunge pool causes suction and vortexes that can pull other objects deep under the water like sediment, rocks, debris, and in extreme cases, a kayak or canoe.
The hydraulic forces under the Norden Chute are dangerous and paddlers and floaters are required to portage around it, meaning that there is a location up stream on the North river bank where floaters get out of the water and carry their floating vessels further downstream past the chute where it is safe to float again.
The Norden Chute is protected by both the National Parks Service and the Nature Conservancy organization that protect the Niobrara Valley Preserve on the South side of the river at this location.
Our recommendations for a great visit to Norden Chute are to take time to use five sense to experience this powerful river feature. What do you see, smell, taste, feel, hear?
The Norden Chute looks like a waterfall in the middle of the Niobrara river, but is more accurately known as a "hydraulic feature." Meaning that the force of the water falling over the ledge causes erosion when it "lands," and a plunge pool that is deeper than the rest of the streambed is formed. The water falling into the plunge pool causes suction and vortexes that can pull other objects deep under the water like sediment, rocks, debris, and in extreme cases, a kayak or canoe.
The hydraulic forces under the Norden Chute are dangerous and paddlers and floaters are required to portage around it, meaning that there is a location up stream on the North river bank where floaters get out of the water and carry their floating vessels further downstream past the chute where it is safe to float again.