
Nisqually Vista Walking Tour: A Changing Mountain

Mount Rainier National Park

A wide paved trail with a low log bench to the right. Mount Rainier rises above the trail.
Take in one final view of the mountain on this trail and ponder the past and future of Mount Rainier

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Quick Facts
Nisqually Vista Nature Trail
What does the future hold for Mount Rainier? In its short (geological) history, Mount Rainier has undergone many changes – sometimes drastic and destructive, sometimes small and barely noticeable. In our even shorter history, humans have interacted with, influenced, and left our marks upon the mountain. Seismic measurements and other data tell us that the mountain is still an active volcano. Warning systems help us manage the risks of volcanic activity and lahars. Continuous monitoring indicates that our climate is warming with impacts to the glaciers and the ecosystems on the mountain. We know that the mountain will continue to change, but the question is, “How?” As we learn from its history and study is ongoing processes, we get a better understanding of what is possible in the future, and the role that we play in the evolution of the mountain. As you conclude your tour, enjoy one more moment with the mountain and its meadows on this trail and consider: What is something you enjoyed today that you hope others will appreciate many years from now? How can we ensure that these experiences are passed along to future generations?

Last updated: September 27, 2022