Last updated: October 10, 2024
Nicollet Marker

N. Barber
Quick Facts
Near Leaping Rock on the cliff line to the north of the waterfall.
Where Nicollet and men from his 1838 expedition (including John C. Fremont) carved their initials into a rock. This was later used as the center point for the Pipestone Reservation.
2 listed
Audio Description, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits
The initials on this rock were carved by the French scientist and explorer Joseph Nicollet and members of his 1838 expedition. This was the first US government-sponsored expedition to the quarries, resulting in the first accurate map of the upper Mississippi and Missouri river basins (which includes Minnesota).
In 1858, Dakota leader Struck-By-The-Ree refused to move his people to a reservation 150 miles south unless they were guaranteed the right to quarry pipestone. The government agreed and the quarries were turned into a 1-square-mile reservation. The Nicollet Marker was used as its center point.
In 1858, Dakota leader Struck-By-The-Ree refused to move his people to a reservation 150 miles south unless they were guaranteed the right to quarry pipestone. The government agreed and the quarries were turned into a 1-square-mile reservation. The Nicollet Marker was used as its center point.