
MLK, Jr. Visitor Center

Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park

Two-story red brick building with large glass windows and a green metal canopy with three walkways.
Visitor Center


A staffed Information desk is located just inside the front doors of the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park Visitor Center. This is the place to stop for a brief orientation to the historic site, which facilities are open, how to sign up for a Birth Home tour, and the location of the nearest restroom.

Located in the lobby of the Visitor Center is the "Children of Courage" exhibit, which is geared towards our younger visitors. This exhibit tells the story about the children of the Civil Rights Movement with a challenge to our youth today.

The featured exhibit entitled "Courage To Lead" follows the parallel paths of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Civil Rights Movement. Then join in with the marchers on their journey up "Freedom Road". See what's new in the D.R.E.A.M Gallery home of special exhibits that change from time to time. Video programs are presented in the Visitor Center Theater on a continuing basis.

Last updated: June 2, 2021