
Minidoka National Historic Site Plaques

Minidoka National Historic Site

National Historic Registry Plaque and information plaque are viewable at Minidoka\'s entrance area.
National Historic Registry Plaque with information plaque

NPS Photo

Quick Facts
Minidoka National Historic Site Entrance Area
Site of the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II
National Historic Site

Benches/Seating, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Information Kiosk/Bulletin Board, Parking - Auto

On August 18, 1979, the Minidoka War Relocation Authority Center was listed on the National Registry of Historic Places, which is the official list of the Nation's historic places worthy of preservation. The historic site originally consisted of 6.06 acres of the entrance area. Buildings included were the military police building, visitor reception building, garden, and the visitor parking lot. On October 13, 1979, a dedication ceremony was held at the site with the Pocatello-Blackfoot JACL unveiling the National Registry of Historic Places plaque and an interpretive panel.

Last updated: February 8, 2021