
Meriam's Corner

Minute Man National Historical Park

Grassy field with a road in the distance and a treeline beyond that.
The field at Meriam's Corner looking east toward the road and the bridge over Elm Brook.

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42.459480, -71.324192
Meriam's corner is where colonial militia attacked the British column. It was the beginning of the 16 mile running fight known as the Battle Road

Accessible Sites, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Information Kiosk/Bulletin Board, Parking - Auto, Pets Allowed, Restroom, Restroom - Accessible, Restroom - Seasonal, Scenic View/Photo Spot, Toilet - Flush, Trailhead, Water - Drinking/Potable, Wheelchair Accessible

Meriam's Corner is the site where the Battle Road begins. It is where April 19 went from a day of a couple of small violent skirmishes to becoming a running 16 mile long battle, which became the opening salvo in a war which would last eight years.
View a 360 panoramic image of the battle site!

Ambush At The Crossroads:

About noon, the column of approximately 700 British regular soldiers began the return march from Concord to Boston. They had been sent to Concord to seize and destroy colonial stockpiles of arms and military supplies. The day had so far been a disappointment. Many of the stockpiles had been removed from Concord before the British regulars arrived. Worse, there had been fighting in Lexington and later that morning in Concord. The alarm was raised throughout the countryside and minute man and militia companies were mobilizing and marching toward the area in great numbers.

When the column of regulars reached Meriam's Corner, about a mile east of Concord's center, newly arrived companies from Reading, Chelmsford and Billerica arrived and took cover behind the Meriam houses and barns. First to arrive was a company of Reading minute men under the command of Captain Brooks. They had separated from their regiment a few miles up the Bedford Road and pushed ahead towards Concord. When they arrived they saw the British light infantry descending Meriam Hill and pulling back towards the road to cross a small bridge over Elm Brook. Thus temporarily without the protection of its flank guard, the British column was vulnerable to attack. Captain Brooks ordered his men to open fire. 

"We rendezvoused near the middle of the town of Bedford, left horses, and marched forward in pursuit of the enemy. A little before we came to Merriam's hill, we discovered the enemy's flank guard, of about 80 or 100 men, who, on their retreat from Concord, kept that height of land, the main body in the road. The British troops and the Americans, at that time, were equally distant from Merriam's corner. About twenty rods short of that place, the Americans made a halt. The British marched down the hill with very slow, but steady step, without music, or a word being spoken that could be heard. Silence reigned on both sides. As soon as the British had gained the main road, and passed a small bridge near that corner, they faced about suddenly, and fired a volley of musketry upon us. They overshot ; and no one, to my knowledge, was injured by the fire. The fire was immediately returned by the Americans, and two British soldiers fell dead at a little distance from each other, in the road near the brook."

Volunteer, Light Infantry Company, His Majesty's 10th Regiment of Foot. Excerpt from his diary written in 1782

"On Capt. Parsons joining us [we] begun our march toward Boston again from Concord. The Light Infantry marched over a hill above the town, the Grenadiers through the town, immediately as we descended the hill into the Road the Rebels begun a brisk for but at so great a distance it was without effect, but as they kept marching nearer when the Grenadiers found them within shot they returned their fire. Just about that time I received a shot through my right elbow joint which effectually disabled that arm. It then became a general firing upon us from all quarters, from behind hedges and walls…”

At Meriam's Corner, key elements combined to make the militia attack possible. First of all, Captain Brooks' company from Reading, pressing ahead of their regiment, arrived in time to engage the rear of the British column. Second, the column had to pull in their flank guards to cross a bridge over Elm Brook. This slowed their progress and allowed the militiamen to take up positions behind the Meriam houses and outbuildings within range of the bridge and the road.

It's also interesting that Captain Brooks did not wait to see who was going to fire first. According to his account once they realized the red-coated soldiers descending Meriam hill were British regulars, they opened fire. This would make the fight at Meriam's Corner the first offensive action taken by the colonists in the war. 

Last updated: January 17, 2023