
Main Gate

Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine

The Fort McHenry Guard is marching through the open Main Gate. They are led by an NCO and drummers.
Fort McHenry Guard marching through the Main Gate.

NPS/Tim Ervin

Quick Facts
Baltimore, MD
In order to get into Fort McHenry, one must pass through these gates.

Accessible Sites, Bicycle - Rack, Bus/Shuttle Stop, Cellular Signal, Public Transit, Trailhead, Trash/Litter Receptacles, Wheelchair Accessible

The Main Gate that you passed through today has been the main entrance to the park since 1837. It is virtually the same now as it was during the Civil War. The Main Gate was often the first and last thing a prisoner would see during their stay at Fort McHenry. Concerned citizens from the town would often leave fresh vegetables and other food items at the gate, in hopes of providing food to the prisoners held at Fort McHenry throughout the Civil War. 

The modern gate is the entry and exit point for all visitors to the park. The gate features a vehicle gate that is wide enough for one vehicle to go through at a time. Vehicles entering and exiting the park should alternate to keep traffic moving. On either side of the main gate are two pedestrian gates to allow pedestrians and bicyclists to enter the park. All three gates open at 9 am and close 5 pm in the fall, winter, and spring, or 6 pm in the summer (Memorial Day to Labor Day).

Last updated: July 5, 2021