
Lt. Colonel's Quarters (Burt House, 1884)

California National Historic Trail, Fort Laramie National Historic Site, Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail, Oregon National Historic Trail, Pony Express National Historic Trail

A narrow two-story, lime grout building.
Burt House on a sunny day.

NPS/Clayton Hanson

Quick Facts
Fort Laramie, WY

Audio Description, Fire Extinguisher, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

Built in 1884, this officers house would be home to Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Sheridan Burt, an infantry officer that served twice at Fort Laramie. His second tenure at the post would run from 1887-1888. Burt would serve as commanding officer at Fort Laramie for a short duration.Shortly after arriving at the post, the Burt family sent their children Edith and Reynolds east for school. Elizabeth Burt, Andrew’s wife, recalled that, “...for the first time we are without any of our children. Lonely indeed was the quiet house…” Edith would return during her school vacations and stay in her bedroom upstairs.In restoring the building, the National Park Service was given the advantage of first hand primary source, Reynolds Burt. Reynolds gave a clear recollection of the furnishing of the house he occupied as a young boy of 14 years in 1888. 

Last updated: March 14, 2025