
Leave No Trace wayside

Bryce Canyon National Park

Wayside exhibit explaining 7 principles of Leave No Trace.
Help take care of the park by practicing these seven Leave No Trace principles.


Quick Facts
Shared-Use path near overflow parking lot

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

Leave No Trace
Help take care of the park by practicing these seven principles:

Know Before You Go. Make a plan but be flexible. Be prepared for all kinds of weather and emergencies.
Choose the Right Path. Stay on established trails to help protect fragile plants and prevent erosion.
Be Kind to Other Visitors. Everyone is welcome in this park. Share the trail and be patient if you have to wait.
Leave What you Find. Leave rocks, plants, and other objects for others to enjoy. Take a photo instead!
Be Careful with Fire. Don’t play with fire. Use campground fire rings and always put your fire completely out.
Respect Wildlife. Never feed wild animals and keep your distance to stay safe. Keep your pet on a leash.
Take Your Trash. If you brought it, take it with you. Pack out all trash, food, pet waste, and litter.

Last updated: September 22, 2023