
Ice Fishing at Pictured Rocks

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore

Several ice fishing shanties on Munising Bay with hills in the distance.

Quick Facts
Munising Bay just off Sand Point Beach
This is the easiest ice fishing area to access.

Information Kiosk/Bulletin Board, Parking - Auto, Parking - Bus/RV, Toilet - Vault/Composting, Trash/Litter Receptacles

Ice fishing at the park is done mostly in the frozen nearshore areas of Munising Bay just off Sand Point Beach. Since Sand Point Road is plowed all winter, this area is the easiest frozen water body to access.

Those ice fishing should ensure safe ice conditions before venturing out. Currents and wave action can affect ice formation, and the thickness of the ice can vary dramatically from one area to another. The responsibility to determine that ice is safe lies solely with the angler.

Anglers accessing Munising Bay from the Sand Point area are required to park in designated parking spaces only. The loading zone may be used temporarily to unload equipment and ice shanties. Be aware that park snow plow operators may be in the area.

Grand Sable Lake and other inland lakes are accessible only by snowmobile in winter. Snowmobiles are permitted on designated roads, and on Grand Sable Lake and Lake Superior.

View and download the Winter Road Closure Map (pdf).

Fishing Regulations

A valid Michigan fishing license is required to fish in the park, and fees vary. Children under 17 years of age do not require a license. Visitors fishing within Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore must follow the fishing license requirements in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources

You can purchase a Michigan fishing license online, through a licensed agent (check Michigan DNR website for locations) or at DNR customer service centers.

Unless otherwise provided for, fishing regulations apply to all finfish found in the park.  Other taxa, including amphibians, mollusks and crustaceans (e.g. waterdogs, crayfish) are not considered “fish” for the purpose of NPS fishing regulations and are addressed by NPS regulations governing “wildlife” (36CFR2.2). 

These fishing regulations apply, regardless of land ownership, on all lands and waters within the park that are under the legislative jurisdiction of the United States. 

Fishing regulations for Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore follow those set by the State of Michigan (36CFR7). However, commercial fishing methods allowed under State law are not included within the scope of this authorization.

The following are prohibited, as per National Park Service natural resource protection regulations:

  • Introducing wildlife, fish or plants, including their reproductive bodies, into a park area ecosystem. This includes the discarding and/or dumping of bait and bait buckets.

  • The use or possession of fish, wildlife or plants for ceremonial or religious purposes, except where specifically authorized by Federal statutory law, or treaty rights.

The fishery is managed jointly by the National Park Service and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. Both park rangers and Michigan conservation officers are authorized to enforce state fishing regulations within the lakeshore.


Last updated: December 5, 2022