Last updated: December 11, 2023
Hanging Rock Pony Express Station

NPS Photo
Pony Express Utah No. 3 Contract Station
The Hanging Rock Pony Express Station (Echo Canyon), also called Halfway Station, was located near a spring about halfway down the canyon. Nothing remains of the relay station but a pony express marker post standing in a trowel-like wagon swale marks it’s approximate location. The "hanging rock" itself a small natural bridge is just around the curve to the south. The area was an immigrant campground.
Site Information
Location (Leave westbound I-80 at Exit 178 (Emory). Cross the bridge and continue in a southwesterly direction paralleling the freeway to stop about 2 miles ahead.)
From the cattle guard at Exit 178, enter Echo Canyon Road. Drive 2.3 miles and pull onto the right shoulder near a lone juniper by the side of the road. Look down off the road to the right about 25 feet to find the silver-colored steel post that marks the Pony Express station site. The trough where the post is located is emigrant wagon swale. Continue to odometer mile 2.5, just around the curve, to a turnout on the right marked with brown Summit County tour sign No. 9. Hanging Rock is the natural bridge to the right of the turnout. It is on private property; please do not trespass.