Last updated: March 23, 2021
Hale Hālāwai

NPS Photo
Quick Facts
Haleakalā National Park
2 listed
Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Trailhead
Hale – House, building
Hālāwai – Meeting, to meet
Hale Hālāwai – A meeting house, a building for public meetings.
This hale was built by National Park Service staff from two sites and two islands. Staff members from the Kīpahulu District of Haleakalā worked with staff from Puʻukoholā Heiau Historic Site located on the island of Hawaiʻi. Working together with guidance from Kumu (teacher) Sinenci, the hale was erected in 2010.
Due to damage and weathering the park decided to re-erect the hale and in 2019 started to rebuild the structure. Originally this hale was intended to serve as a hale kuʻai (store), but will now be used as hale hālāwai where the public can participate in cultural demonstrations and interpretive programs.
The hale sits at the junction of the Pīpīwai and Kūloa Point trails. To the left of the hale is the 4-mile (roundtrip) Pīpīwai hike up to Waimoku Falls. To the right of the hale is the (0.5 mile loop) Kūloa Point trail with views of the Pools of ʻOheʻo.
Hālāwai – Meeting, to meet
Hale Hālāwai – A meeting house, a building for public meetings.
This hale was built by National Park Service staff from two sites and two islands. Staff members from the Kīpahulu District of Haleakalā worked with staff from Puʻukoholā Heiau Historic Site located on the island of Hawaiʻi. Working together with guidance from Kumu (teacher) Sinenci, the hale was erected in 2010.
Due to damage and weathering the park decided to re-erect the hale and in 2019 started to rebuild the structure. Originally this hale was intended to serve as a hale kuʻai (store), but will now be used as hale hālāwai where the public can participate in cultural demonstrations and interpretive programs.
The hale sits at the junction of the Pīpīwai and Kūloa Point trails. To the left of the hale is the 4-mile (roundtrip) Pīpīwai hike up to Waimoku Falls. To the right of the hale is the (0.5 mile loop) Kūloa Point trail with views of the Pools of ʻOheʻo.