Last updated: May 14, 2024
Fort Marcy Ruins

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits
Built in 1846, this U. S. fort was the first in New Mexico Territory (and is the only fort left in the United States from the Mexican American War). Built for 280 men, this irregularly shaped star fort was never garrisoned. Located on a hill 50 yards higher in elevation than the Plaza, its 14 cannons could have confronted an approaching Mexican army or suppressed a local uprising.
Site Information
Location (Old Fort Marcy Park/ Cross of the Martyrs; 6 blocks northeast of the Plaza.)
El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro National Historic Trail
Santa Fe National Historic Trail
Old Spanish National Historic Trail
El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, Old Spanish Trail, Santa Fe Trail: Santa Fe, New Mexico Itinerary
Santa Fe is the oldest capital city in the US, founded in 1610, and the highest in elevation at 7,000 ft. The city is the historic hub of the southwest, connecting three national historic trails: El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, the Santa Fe Trail, and the Old Spanish Trail. This tour leads your from the busy plaza and other major tourist locations to lesser known sites along quiet, old Santa Fe streets.
- el camino real de tierra adentro national historic trail
- old spanish national historic trail
- santa fe national historic trail
- santa fe trail
- historic trail
- national trails
- national historic trail
- place
- santa fe
- new mexico
- certified site
- old spanish trail
- el camino real de tierra adentro
- el camino real
- santa fe walking tour
- walking tour