
Fort Larned North Officers' Quarters

Fort Larned National Historic Site

Parlor furnished with mid-19th century furniture.
Officers and their wives tried to create a genteel atmosphere on these remote Army posts.

NPS Photo

Quick Facts
Larned, KS

Benches/Seating, Cellular Signal

Just as the barracks were designed with four companies in mind, the company officers' quarters were also designed to house four companies' worth of officers. A typical company's officers included two lieutenants and one captain. As such, each of the one-story buildings housed two captains and four lieutenants. 

The captain’s quarters were on each end of the building. They had two rooms and a kitchen, which extended out from the back of the building. Lieutenants had one room each with no kitchen until 1870. At that time, wooden lean-to structures were added at the back of each building to give the lieutenants kitchens and servant space. 

Last updated: February 12, 2024