

Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument, Lake Meredith National Recreation Area

Fish caught off the dock at Sanford Yake
Fishing at Lake Meredith

NPS Photo

Quick Facts

Dock/Pier, Parking - Auto, Parking - Boat Trailer, Restroom

Lake Meredith Reservoir has a very diverse fish community and provides opportunities for all types of anglers. Walleye are the primary sport fish in the reservoir and are maintained through natural reproduction. Lake Meredith Reservoir also has an excellent smallmouth bass population. Most of the reservoir is rocky habitat, which is preferred by smallmouth bass. A number of 4-pound and larger fish are caught from the lake each year. White bass provide an excellent fishery, especially during summer and fall. Largemouth bass are limited by habitat, but crappie fishing is generally good with occasional years of excellent fishing. Yellow perch are caught on rare occasions. The Texas record of 1.04 pounds came from Lake Meredith in 1996. Channel and flathead catfish are present in good numbers

Last updated: August 30, 2021