
Statue of Eleanor Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial , National Mall and Memorial Parks

A statue of Eleanor Roosevelt is positioned in a stone opening. A quote is engraved to the left.
Eleanor Roosevelt Statue

Photo: NPS / Kelsey Graczyk

Quick Facts

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Tactile Exhibit

Leaving the “Funeral Cortege” is another ramp to the left and a handrailed stairs to the right. Turn the corner, a statue of Eleanor Roosevelt is standing, behind her head is an emblem of the United Nations with inscription below:

“Eleanor Roosevelt, First United States Delegate To The United Nations.”

To the left of her statue is a quote from her husband, the man who had been the driving force in creating the United Nations:

“The Structure Of World Peace Cannot Be The Work Of One Man, Or One Party, Or One Nation … It Must Be A Peace Which Rests On The Cooperative Effort Of The Whole World.”

Last updated: March 7, 2024