
Elko Hot Hole

California National Historic Trail, Pony Express National Historic Trail

Quick Facts
Near the airport in Elko, Nevada.
Travelers on the California Trail stopped at this hot springs.

The hot spring in front of you is known as Hot Hole, named after its round and reportedly deep shape. This geologic wonder has been known about longer than Elko has been a town! It was noted in reports, dated as early as the 1830s, by explorers that passed through the area. Later, emigrants and miners following the same paths, which were now known as the California Trail, wrote about the Hot Hole in their journals.

They also wrote about the other hot springs they discovered that are less than a quarter mile from here. To the south, and up the hill, lies Elko Hot Springs, a cluster of springs that was the site of a resort in the late 1800s. To the northeast of the Hot Hole, on the banks of the Humboldt River, lies another three hot springs. They are positioned in an east to west line, forming a ribbon of springs. None of these “ribbon” hot springs are named, but all of them, and Elko Hot Springs, were visited by California Trail travelers.

Site Information

Location (Currently, Elko Hot Springs is located on private property. Respect this and do not enter without permission from the landowner. The cluster of unnamed hot springs has neither directions to them nor their locations marked. Also, some of the land is private property. For information about these springs, contact the California Trail Interpretive Center.)

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California National Historic Trail

Pony Express National Historic Trail

Last updated: July 26, 2023