
El Museo de Arqueologia e Historia de El Chamizal

Chamizal National Memorial

Photo of entrance to museum.
Entrance to MAHCH.

NPS Employee Izzy Sanchez

Quick Facts
Parque Público Federal El Chamizal, C. C 51, Chamizal, 32030 Cd Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico
International sister park to Chamizal National Memorial and space for education and art display of the El Paso- Ciudad Juarez region

Accessible Rooms, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Restroom, Theater/Auditorium

If you were to walk across the Bridge of the Americas, you would find yourself crossing over the Adolfo Lopez Mateo’s Channel. Looking down, you can see where the Rio Grande was directed to flow after the Chamizal Treaty. When you cross over into Mexico you will find our sister park, Parque Público Federal El Chamizal. Located in Ciduad Juarez, Parque Chamizal covers 237 acres of land to commemorate the peaceful resolution between the United States and Mexico. Within the park boundaries, you will find El Museo de Arqueologia e Historia de El Chamizal (MAHCH).  

MAHCH was established in 1964, associated with the Nacional de Antropologia e Historia de Mexico (INAH), with the Museum itself, opening in 1978. The Museum is intended for all citizens of the Borderland to learn about main focuses of the region that include the Aridoamérica and Paquime, pre-Columbian history and the Chamizal dispute. MAHCH works closely with Chamizal National Memorial, as the two entities are in an international sister park agreement. The close partnership has helped facilitate collaboration with performing artists and between INAH and the National Trails system, working with El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro.   

As a park designed to rival Parque Chapultepec in Mexico City, Parque Chamizal is home to MAHCH where locals and visitors can expect events that display a variety of perspective of local and national culture. MAHCH provides guided tours, workshops, book presentations, and art competitions. Local, national, and international artist can also display their work through the rotating art exhibit. Bazaars are held every weekend where you can experience and support local artist. Check MAHCH’s social media to find out what they have going on so you can, safely, have your experience at our sister park. 

Last updated: October 29, 2024