
Cultural Site Trail Stop #4

Katmai National Park & Preserve

A trail with a wayside on the left
Before entering the Cultural Site Building, take in a view of the of the river at this wayside.

NPS Photo/L. Law

Quick Facts
Brooks Camp, Katmai National Park and Preserve

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Scenic View/Photo Spot

What was life like at Brooks River 700 years ago?

Summer would have been a time for salmon fishing and gathering and processing food for winter. Fish were caught with harpoons and nets, and then hung out to dry. People also likely followed caribou herds south, and supplemented their diets with porcupine, hare, squirrel, and beaver, as well as wild berries and greens. When winter came again, they’d move back into their semi-subterranean homes, like the one reconstructed in the building behind you.

Last updated: November 2, 2021