
Conner Swale Site - Ranchería Grande

El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail

A man stands next to a dirt trail with a sign indicating a trail swale.
Conner Swale Site - Ranchería Grande

NPS Photo

Quick Facts
On private property near Gause, Milam County, Texas
Located near the important trading center of Rancheria Grande, the Conner Swales illustrate historical travel patterns along El Camino Real de los Tejas.
Certified Site
Private; not open to the public

Established along Native American trails, Ranchería Grande was a diverse settlement of 23 Indigenous nations when Spanish explorers first encountered it in the 18th century. This joint settlement pooled resources for subsistence and defense, while also serving as a refuge for Native peoples fleeing Spanish missions. The 2.2 mile loop walk takes you through the rolling Post Oak Savannah hills of Central Texas.

At the site, you visit only a small portion of Ranchería Grande. For many years its location was unknown, but recent archeology shows that it covered parts of several modern counties.

There are multiple opportunities to view original trail trace. The trail swales are shallow, linear depressions formed by human and animal traffic over many years of use. They are physical traces of El Camino Real, which followed Indigenous pathways across Texas.

Enjoy the easy parking and walking trails. There is a composting toilet near the entrance and a picnic table at the village archaeological site (one mile by trail).

A project through the Underrepresented Community Grant Program, which works to diversify nominations submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, funded the effort to recognize the significance of this property related to Spanish Colonial and Latino history in Milam County, Texas. 

Site Information

Location/Access (this site is not open to the public)

To arrange a walk, please visit: WTRG: Learn More (

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El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail

Last updated: October 23, 2024