
Carter Family Vegetable Garden

Jimmy Carter National Historical Park

Rows of vegetables growing in a garden, with a barn and trees in the background.
The Carter family’s vegetable garden, provided fresh food for their meals.


Quick Facts
Jimmy Carter Boyhood Farm
Boyhood Home of the 39th President of the United States
National Historic Site

Benches/Seating, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Pets Allowed, Trash/Litter Receptacles

The Carter family maintained a vegetable garden to provide fresh food for their meals. Though primarily for the family, they often shared extra crops with neighbors. Farm supervisor Jack Clark oversaw planting and tending the garden, ensuring a steady supply of produce. Nearby, the community came together to cultivate a shared sweet potato garden, where everyone contributed to the work and enjoyed the harvest.

“Common food crops were okra, peas, and greens, particularly collards, turnips, and cabbage. Some more ambitious tenant farmers grew watermelons.” 
- Jimmy Carter, An Hour Before Daylight

Learn more about the vegetables grown in these gardens.

Last updated: March 20, 2025