
Calumet Schools

Keweenaw National Historical Park

Winter scene of red brick school building with many windows and brick encased digital sign in front.
Calumet, Laurium and Keweenaw Public Schools

NPS Photo

Quick Facts
Calumet, MI
Contributing Structure to the Calumet National Historic Landmark District
CLK Public Schools

Cellular Signal

The first school in the Calumet area was built in 1867 and was a one-room building. By 1875 the population had drastically expanded, so the Calumet and Hecla company built the original Washington School at a cost of $15,000. The support of C&H allowed the company influence over curriculum and activities. However, with constantly increasing population by 1915 the original school was not capable of supporting local students. The original building was moved, and additions were made to support this larger body of students. The latest additions to the school included the purchase of land behind the school and building of new elementary school which opened in 1998. Today these schools and their later additions continue to serve the Calumet-Laurium-Keweenaw School District.

Last updated: May 20, 2021