
Bryce Life Zones wayside

Bryce Canyon National Park

Wayside exhibit to interpret the 3 life zone communities found in the park.
A wide range of temperatures and precipitation creates three distinctive climatic or life zones.


Quick Facts
Rainbow Point Shelter

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

Here at Bryce, the elevation ranges from 9,100 feet (2,778 m) at Rainbow Point to 6,600 feet (2,012 m) at the canyon bottoms. The accompanying wide range of temperatures and precipitation creates three distinctive climatic or life zones—Mixed Conifer (highest elevation), Ponderosa Pine (mid-elevation), and Pinyon/Juniper (lowest elevation).

This diversity of habitat creates incredible opportunities; here you can find over 100 species of birds, dozens of mammals, and more than a thousand plant species.

Last updated: October 10, 2024