Last updated: May 6, 2024
Native Trade Room

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2 listed
Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Tactile Exhibit
This trade room, located immediately next to the entrance of the fort, was used for trade with Plains tribes. Because it catered to Natives, the room was supplied with trade goods valuable to the tribes. Crooked awls, looking glasses, brass hawk bells, tomahawks and axes, tin pectorals called gorgets, vermillion paint, scarlet and blue cloth , blankets and shawls, calico, and beautiful abalone shells are some of the items that would have been here. The number of beads on hand was enourmous - a single order from the company in the 1830's included 973 pounds of "chalk" beads and 1,400 pounds of blue beads!
A walk up window in the side wall of the room facing the zaguan gate reveals that not all customers enjoyed the same privileges as members of the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes. Other tribes were welcome to trade, but not enter the fort.
A walk up window in the side wall of the room facing the zaguan gate reveals that not all customers enjoyed the same privileges as members of the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes. Other tribes were welcome to trade, but not enter the fort.