Last updated: March 17, 2025
Access: Sieur de Monts Parking Area

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Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Information, Parking - Auto, Restroom, Restroom - Accessible
The video shows an asphalt parking loop with diagonal parking spaces. Towards the end of the parking loop there are two van accessible spaces. One is on the left side by the restrooms and is designated by a sign on a post and paint on the ground. There is a concrete path connecting the parking lot to the restrooms. The other van accessible parking space is on the right side near the paths to the nature center and the Wild Gardens of Acadia. This space is also marked by a sign on a post and paint on the ground. The asphalt path leading to the nature center winds through a stand of (birch?) trees before reaching the stone patio outside of the nature center. Extending from this patio, there is a network of trails in the area, and these are accessed by wooden bridges on either side of the nature center. The trails vary in surface material, including asphalt, compact gravel, and wooden boardwalks.