

Biscayne National Park

Bones of a shipwreck resting on the ocean floor with tropical fish swimming over
The Alicia sank in 1905 on her way to Havana

NPS photo

The steamer, Alicia, owned by Linea de Vapres Serra, and ported in Bilboa, Spain, left Liverpool in early April, 1905 bound for Havana. Her cargo was valued at greater than one million dollars and included fine silks, linens, silverware, household furniture, machetes, paint, pianos, wine, English ale and liquor, shoes, buggies, harnesses, and even a complete iron bridge. On April 20, 1905 Alicia slammed into Long Reef during a storm and was bilged and waterlogged. A passing ship took her crew to Havana. Captain “Hog” Johnson, master wrecker and Captain of the Key West Schooner Mount Olive, was first on the scene, and was later joined by over 70 other salvors.

Last updated: April 14, 2021