
Entrance Station on Acadia's Park Loop Road

Acadia National Park

Cars stopped at two small wooden structures in a roadway with uniformed rangers standing at windows.
The entrance station along Acadia's Park Loop Road is open year-round.

NPS Photo by Kent Miller

Quick Facts
Near the intersection of the Park Loop Road and Schooner Head Road
Year-round full-service sales and information about park entrance fees and passes.

Entrance Passes for Sale, Information, Information - Maps Available, Information - Ranger/Staff Member Present

Located near the intersection of Schooner Head Road, the entrance station along Acadia's Park Loop Road is open year-round and offers full-service sales and information about park entrance fees, the Acadia Annual Pass, and all federal recreational lands passes.

Staff can provide basic information, the Unigrid brochure and other park publications.

Situated along a portion of the Park Loop Road formerly known as "Ocean Drive," nearby destinations include several trailheads, Sand Beach, Thunder Hole, Otter Cliff and the Fabbi Picnic Area.


Last updated: April 17, 2023