
Waste Weir

Cuyahoga Valley National Park

A grey-haired woman in a raincoat stands before a graphic panel along an unpaved trail.
The “Mud and Muskrats” panel describes the challenges of maintaining the canal.

NPS / Arrye Rosser

Quick Facts
Park at Lock 39 Trailhead, 8000 Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio 44131 and hike south on the Towpath Trail.
This is one of the few remaining waste weirs along the Ohio & Erie Canal. State of Ohio engineers added special water-control features like this one after the canal opened in the early 1800s. It diverts floodwaters into the Cuyahoga River.
Ohio & Erie Canal District, Ohio and Erie Canalway National Heritage Area, Ohio to Erie Trail, Industrial Heartland Trail Network

Audio Description, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Wheelchair Accessible

Unlike the nearby Cuyahoga River, the Ohio & Erie Canal was kept at a depth of four feet. Shortly after construction, engineers realized the many challenges of maintaining this consistent water level. More water or less water always seemed to be needed. To reduce flood damage, they built waste weirs such as this one to spill excess water into a channel to the river. To learn more, read the trailside panel.

Last updated: April 13, 2021