Last updated: February 1, 2021
Tennessee Hollow

Tennessee Hollow holds the largest watershed in the Presidio. Hidden here you'll find majestic forests, creeks, a playground, public art, trails, pretty places for a selfie and links to the past. You'll be among some of the most significant wildlife habitat in San Francisco.
The valley got its name in 1898 when the, shall we say, rambunctious 1st Tennessee Volunteer Regiment used this land as a campground before shipping off to the Philippines during the Spanish-American War.
After the soldiers shipped out, tent housing in the hollow became more formalized in the area known as the East Cantonment. Following the 1906 earthquake, this area was used to house displaced city residents. These sons and daughters of San Francisco slept in tents until better accommodations could be found.
The hollow is in the middle of a little sprucing up, thanks to the Presidio Trust's Tennessee Hollow Restoration Project . A lot of projects have already been completed, but some that are still on the way include a 1.5 acre riparian corridor, restoration of a freshwater wetland and daylighting an underground drain to restore brackish water habitat near Crissy marsh.
Self-Guided Tours
Plan your own adventure in the Tennessee Hollow Watershed using this map .