
Rattlesnake Pass

California National Historic Trail, Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail, Oregon National Historic Trail, Pony Express National Historic Trail

Grave with headstone, wooden cross, and a sign in a pass between two dry grass and sagebrush covered rocky ridges
Rattlesnake Pass Site Overview

Quick Facts
Martin's Cove, 47600 West Hwy 220, Alcova, Wyoming
Where the Oregon Trail passed around Devil's Gate

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

Rattlesnake Pass is where the Oregon Trail passed around Devil's Gate. Among the over 350,000 emigrants that went through Rattlesnake pass between 1840 and 1870, was Frederick Richard Fulkerson. 18 year old Frederick was following the Trail to Oregon with his family. While crossing the Platte River, he became chilled and exhausted when he swam the river in an effort to keep the families stock animals from being carried downstream. Frederick passed away several weeks later while the Fulkersons where camped at Rattlesnake Pass. A wooden cross and a boulder mark his grave and an interpretive sign tells the story.

Also seen in Rattlesnake Pass, are wagon swales, which are visible to the east of grave, where the road curves to intersect the highway. 

Site Information

Location (Martin's Cove, 47600 West Hwy 220, Alcova, Wyoming)

Safety Considerations

More Site Information

Oregon National Historic Trail

California National Historic Trail

Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail

Pony Express National Historic Trail


Last updated: January 23, 2023