
Haupt Fountains

The White House and President's Park

Water sprays up out of the center of fountain that is round pool of water in a stone square base, surrounded by a red brick patio and an urban landscape.
Haupt Fountain

Quick Facts
Washington, DC

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

First Lady Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson created the Committee for a More Beautiful Capital. Part of her dream was to "frame the White House in water." Each fountain is made from an enormous slab of granite 18 feet square, nearly a foot thick, and weighing 55 tons. The granite was quarried in Morton, Minnesota, from rock more than 3.5 million years old. These rainbow granite monoliths were a gift of publishing magnate Mrs. Enid Haupt. The fountains frame the White House on the main north-south axis at Sixteenth Street and Constitution Avenue.
Gift of Enid Annenberg Haupt

Last updated: April 5, 2024