
Fort Pickens Dune Trail

Gulf Islands National Seashore

A boardwalk leads into a sandy dunescape.
Dune Nature Trail


Quick Facts
Fort Pickens, Florida

Beach/Water Access, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Parking - Auto, Scenic View/Photo Spot, Trailhead

The Dune Trail is a 0.15 mile boardwalk trail through primary and secondary dunescape. It is located in the Fort Pickens area, directly south of campground Loop A. Visitors may walk or bike to the trailhead, or park in the lot directly in front. Please stay on the trail and do not walk in the dunes, to preserve our coastal vegetation.

The boardwalk traverses through foredune communities, which are home to many different animal and plant species. Foredunes are created by sand blowing inland from the beach, forming a line that runs adjacent to the coast. Foredunes help shelter plant life from exposure to and create pockets where less salt-tolerant floral communities can form. 

A rest bench is provided along the trail, but no shade will be found on sunny days, so bring water and pack accordingly.

Duration: 15-30 minutes

Last updated: August 17, 2022