
Little Heart

Fort Larned National Historic Site

Quick Facts
Only Indian to be buried in the Fort Larned post cemetery.
Place of Death:
Fort Larned
Place of Burial:
Fort Larned

Little Heart was a Cheyenne Indian who came to Fort Larned along with other members of his tribe to collect annuities promised to them by treaties made with the U.S. government. From 1862 to 1868 Fort Larned served as an Indian Agency and distribution place for annuities such as food and clothing, along with guns and ammunition for hunting.

The Cheyenne referred to the fort as the "bad place" but it was where they had to come to collect the things they needed and were promised. One day Little Heart approached the fort on horseback at full gallop. It's unclear what he wanted, whether to speak to the Indian Agent, or to demand the annuities. Whatever the reason, the sentries called on him to stop but he didn't understand them and kept coming. One of the sentries shot him in the head, killing him.

The other Cheyenne decided that since the Army had killed him it was the Army’s responsibility to bury him. Although buried in the post cemetery, prejudices of the day prompted the Army to clearly mark his grave with a fence so there would be no mistaking his body with that of the soldiers and civilians.

Last updated: January 31, 2024