
Caesar Augustus

Boston National Historical Park, Minute Man National Historical Park

Quick Facts
Patriot of Color at Battle Road
Place of Birth:
Dorchester, Massachusetts(?)

The following is from the 2004 National Park Service study Patriots of Color researched and prepared by George Quintal:

Caesar Augustus was the servant of Mr. Tileston of Dorchester (MA).1

He was taken prisoner on 19 April 1775 and was exchanged on 5 June 1775 with the other American prisoners.2

The last Patriot casualty on Battle Road was a man of color:

A negro (the only one [who] was seen to fire at the King’s troops) was wounded near the houses close to the [Charlestown] Neck, out of which the Rebels fired to the last.3

It is very probable that this man was Caesar Augustus.


  1. Essex Gazette. Salem, MA, 6 June 1775, page 3.
  2. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (1847-2002). 154 vols, 85[1931]:17.
  3. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society (1791-2002). 113 vols, Second Series, 5[1890]:394, “Description of the Battle of Lexington by Lieutenant Mackenzie of the Royal Welch Fusileers.”

Learn more about Quintal's study.

Last updated: February 26, 2025