
Andrew Sheridan Burt

Fort Laramie National Historic Site

Portrait of Andrew Sheridan Burt in military uniform from 1892
Colonel Andrew S. Burt, 1892

FOLA Archives

Quick Facts
Place of Birth:
Cincinnati, Ohio
Date of Birth:
November 21st, 1839
Date of Death:
January 12th, 1915
Place of Burial:
Arlington National Cemetery
Cemetery Name:
Arlington National Cemetery

Born November 21st, 1839 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Died January 12th, 1915 and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Civil War Service: Enlisted as a Private in the 6th Ohio Infantry in April 1861, discharged in July of 1861. Appointed as a First Lieutenant of the 18th US Infantry. Battle of Mill Springs, Kentucky 1862: Breveted Captain for gallant and meritorious service, wounded by enemy fire. Atlanta Campaign, Georgia 1864: Battle of Jonesborough - Breveted Major for gallant and meritorious service, wounded again.

First Posting at Fort Laramie: August 1874 – November 1876

  • Escorted Professor O.C. Marsh of Yale College to gather fossils in the Badlands.

  • Escorted Professor Jenny on his scientific exploration of the Black Hills which resulted in the official confirmation of gold.

  • Captain (Brevet-Major) of Company H of the 9th Infantry.

  • Part of General Crooks 1876 Big Horn Expedition and Yellowstone Expedition.

    • Battle of the Rosebud, June 17, 1876, eight days before Little Big Horn.

    • Burt and Captain T.B. Burrowes of G Company, were credited with rescuing Colonel Royall’s cavalry from massacre.

Second Posting at Fort Laramie: February 1888 – May 1889

  • Lieutenant Colonel in the 7th Infantry

Last updated: January 27, 2025