Last updated: January 27, 2025
Andrew Sheridan Burt

FOLA Archives
Born November 21st, 1839 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Died January 12th, 1915 and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Civil War Service: Enlisted as a Private in the 6th Ohio Infantry in April 1861, discharged in July of 1861. Appointed as a First Lieutenant of the 18th US Infantry. Battle of Mill Springs, Kentucky 1862: Breveted Captain for gallant and meritorious service, wounded by enemy fire. Atlanta Campaign, Georgia 1864: Battle of Jonesborough - Breveted Major for gallant and meritorious service, wounded again.
First Posting at Fort Laramie: August 1874 – November 1876
Escorted Professor O.C. Marsh of Yale College to gather fossils in the Badlands.
Escorted Professor Jenny on his scientific exploration of the Black Hills which resulted in the official confirmation of gold.
Captain (Brevet-Major) of Company H of the 9th Infantry.
Part of General Crooks 1876 Big Horn Expedition and Yellowstone Expedition.
Battle of the Rosebud, June 17, 1876, eight days before Little Big Horn.
Burt and Captain T.B. Burrowes of G Company, were credited with rescuing Colonel Royall’s cavalry from massacre.
Second Posting at Fort Laramie: February 1888 – May 1889
Lieutenant Colonel in the 7th Infantry